Author Information

All presenters are required to participate on-site.

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation

Coming soon

Poster Presentation

During the session period, authors should be available for discussion with attendees in front of their posters. Poster boards of dimensions 2.1 meters (height) x 0.9 meters (width) will be provided. This is suitable for posters that are A0 size and in portrait orientation. Please set up your poster in the appropriate location according to the poster ID before your session starts and remove it after your session ends.

Call for Papers

Abstract Submission Guideline

All abstracts must be submitted online.

How to Submit

  • To submit your abstract, you must first create an account. Click the “Create an Account” button on the submission site, and follow the instructions to register your name, contact email, and other basic information.
  • Upon creating your account, an automatic confirmation email will be sent to you. Then, click the link in the email to verify your email address.
  • After completing the authentication, you will be redirected to the abstract submission TOP page while logged in to your account. From there, you can begin the submitting process.
  • After logging in and checking the agreement box, click the “New Submission” button to proceed to the actual abstract submission pages. Follow the instructions on each page.

Abstract Registration Details

  • The following information is required on the abstract submission form.
    1. The official full names of the affiliations of all abstract authors.
    2. The names of all abstract authors.
    3. Main topics (2 choices from the list)
    4. Preferred presentation type (oral/poster)
    5. Title (in plain text, and within 250 characters including symbols and spaces)
    6. Abstract (in plain text, and within 4000 characters including symbols and spaces)
    7.  Keywords (Max 5)
    8. Travel expenses support application (for eligible applicants only)
  • You can enter a maximum of 30 affiliations per submission in the affiliate name fields.
  • You can enter a maximum of 20 author names per submission in the author’s name fields.
  • The presenter’s email address must be included in the author’s name field. If the account owner and presenter are the same person, the email address is automatically displayed in the entry field.
  • On the “Presentation Information” page, select 2 main topics for your abstract. If only 1 topic is available for presentation, select “Not Applicable” as your second choice.

Other Notes

  • A single account can submit 5 abstracts.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference program in their original texts and forms of registration.
  • Abstract submission Deadline : 24 March 2024

Main Topics and Keywords​

The conference covers the following topics and keywords.

Global reanalysis production status/plans​

Keywords : Inclusive of all Earth system thematic areas, e.g., the atmosphere, land and oceans​

Regional reanalysis production status/plans​​

Keywords : Regions, approaches specific to regional reanalysis ​

Observations for reanalyses​​

Keywords : Data rescue, satellite reprocessing, modeling of observations, quality control and bias correction, observation impact, development of boundary conditions and forcing fields

Methods for reanalyses​​

Keywords : Data assimilation, Earth system coupling, uncertainty estimation, model bias correction, modeling background errors, use of physical constraints ​

Production of reanalyses​​

Keywords : Computational aspects, performance monitoring, post-processing, data services, user support and training​

Evaluations of reanalyses​​

Keywords : Comparisons with observations, intercomparisons, diagnostics, assessment of the impact of assimilation ​

Applications of reanalyses in science and society​​

Keywords : Climate research, climate monitoring, NWP evaluation and product development, development of climate services, operational services, commercial usage​

Exploration of machine learning (ML) approaches in the context of reanalysis​​

Keywords : Training of ML models, ML-based postprocessing, ML-based downscaling

Conference Registration